If you are involved with archery in any way, shape or form, there is a very good chance that you have heard about the arrows made by Easton Archery. In fact, this company has huge name recognition and has their products used in every type of archery, from beginner to the more advanced. But what about their arrows? Do they compare to other brands such as Carbon Express? What types of arrows do they make? Here is everything that you need to know about the ones that they make, including the best Easton arrows for your style of shooting!
About the Company
Originally being started back in 1922, Easton Archery has been dedicated to making the highest-quality products for bows and everything associated with them for the past almost 100 years. They revolutionized archery by introducing the aluminum arrow during the 1940s and have not looked back since. They have since introduced various carbon fibers and so much more.
The fact of the matter is that when it comes to anything archery, this company leads the industry for crossbowmen, bowhunters, target shooters, competition shooters, and even 3D shooters.
Beman USA
Considered to be one of the greatest arrows on the market today, they actually excel at shooting and are designed with nothing but carbon. Some consider it to be one of the very best Easton carbon arrows that are available on the entire market today. On top of that, they are also considered to be on the more affordable side when compared to other arrows made out of carbon.
This is only one of the many different arrows that you can expect from this company. This is because they actually have many different variations that are designed with different materials. Here is what you should know about the different types and how they can help you with your archery.
Different Types of Arrows Easton Offers

You have more than likely noticed that not all arrows are made out of the same materials. So how are you supposed to know which material is going to be the one that is ideal for you? Here is a quick rundown about the different types of materials and how they can improve or hurt your shooting.
The only material that has been used for arrows for the past 70,000 years or so, wooden arrows are great for many things that are not target practice. On top of that, they are not really going to be very good for hunting either. This is because trying to make even two wooden arrows the same exact weight is a very difficult task. Now factor in that the arrows will also need to be the same length and shape, and you have a very difficult task in regard to making arrows. It is for this reason that most hunters and target shooters will opt to use other materials such as carbon or aluminum for their arrows.
Now keep in mind that a wooden arrow is an extremely beautiful thing that does have a group of enthusiasts who absolutely love them. But when it comes to your typical wooden arrow, they are generally not considered to be one of the most popular types of arrows.
When it comes to the aluminum arrow, they are considered much more rare than any carbon arrows, but are still a very popular option for many shooters. This is because they tend to be an arrow that is very easy to use and on the more affordable side. Essentially, an aluminum arrow is going to be found more with beginner shooters who are just getting started with archery.
At one time fiberglass arrows were actually one of the most popular arrows of all time. However, you will find that they are not really even made anymore. While these arrows did have the advantage of being extremely light, they simply did not have the amount of density that was required to be shot by the bows that had a higher weight. But if you are using a bow that has a lower weight (aka a beginner), these arrows may be a great match for you.
While this type of arrow is considered to be relatively new, arrows made out of carbon have become increasingly popular among both hunters and target shooters in recent years. Since the carbon shaft allows for the arrow to have a very wide variation in its spine and weight, it essentially means that each arrow that is made out of carbon is able to be specifically designed for a particular type of bow and weight. While these carbon made arrows seem incredible, there is one downside to them. Since they are made out of carbon, they are considered to be very delicate when compared to some of the other materials that arrows are made out of.
Carbon/Aluminum Hybrid
Also referred to as ‘A/C' arrows, this type of arrow will normally have carbon in the middle of it, the aluminum providing a protective case on the outside of the arrow. It is the carbon that gives this type of arrow its spine and weight, while the aluminum casing helps protect the arrow from any type of splintering. These arrows are considered to be more ‘high-end’, meaning that they are typically only used by the more experienced hunters and archers.
Now that you are familiar with the different types of arrows that are available to you, you may be wondering what the ideal one for you may be? The wide range of different options can leave you feeling very confused if you do not know what type you are actually looking for.
It is for this reason that we have researched the different arrows that Easton has to offer and come up with the ones that are ideal for just about every type of shooter. Here are the most popular arrows that Easton has for your individual style of shooting.
The Best Easton Arrows for Your Style of Shooting
With the wide variety of different arrows that Easton has to offer, you may be wondering which one is right for you. Here's the ideal types for your particular shooting style, no matter what it may be.
For Beginners
There are a number of different arrows that can help even the newest of shooters to develop their individual skills. Here are some of the more popular options for those just getting started with archery.
1. Scouts
The Scout is the ideal choice for new archers or anybody who is shooting with a bow that is considered to have a low weight. Fact of the matter is, it can be very difficult to find an arrow that works with a bow between 15-30 pounds. This is due to most manufacturers wanting to sell their products to those interested in hunting or target shooters, not children. Since it can be difficult to find arrows that are considered to be ideal for the beginner, this makes it a definite option for the new shooter.
2. Genesis II
The Genesis II is also a better choice if you consider yourself to be a newbie to shooting or are running any type of archery program for beginners. They are actually approved by the NASP (National Archery in the Schools Program) and are considered to be one of the more popular options for children. They are made out of aluminum, meaning that they can be banged up and not suffer too much damage. While they are not as durable or tough as fiberglass, they are much tougher than carbon. One of the more popular arrows that Easton sells, they are designed for bows that have a low weight and are used mainly for target practice.
Target Shooting
Designed for those shooting targets, these are the arrows that have been specifically designed for shooting at targets. This includes both target practice and competitive shooting.
1. Jazz
These are simply fantastic. They are not only great for those who are just getting started with archery, but they actually grow with you as you become a more accurate target shooter as well. Some of the reason that they are so popular include being ready to shoot right out of the box, as well as being usable with a wide range of bow weights. On top of that, they are also aluminum and come in several different lengths for every shooter. Finally, they have what is known as helical feathers, which means that they are able to get even more flight stability.
If you are hunting, you need something that has enough kinetic energy to make the kill. You are essentially looking for something that can give you clean penetration, a good blood trail, and ideally the quickest kill possible. This means that you will more than likely need an something that is heavier, as most hunting bows are heavier weights as well.
1. Camo Hunter XX75s
If you have ever been out on a hunt, you already know that it can sometimes be very difficult to find a quality arrow. This is not the case with the Camo Hunter XX75s. Some of the features that the Camo Hunter provides you with incude coming in several different sizes (while they are still considered to be thicker which is good while out in the field), have an incredible straightness tolerance, and come in a camo color. Essentially, if you are planning on partaking in any type of hunt, the Camo Hunter should definitely be in your arsenal.
2. Full Metal Jackets
One of the most popular hybrids, this is a perfect example of what is considered to be one of the best arrows in terms of 'A/C'. The aluminum exterior combined with the carbon interior create the perfect design for any type of shooter up to a 70-pound bow. At 32 inches in total length, you may need to do some alterations to make them fit with your particular bow. But even knowing this, they pack a ton of punch that creates even more kinetic energy. This is essentially one of the great Easton hunting arrows on the market today that you will undoubtedly like.
3. Bloodline
With a 330 spine, this is a hunting arrow that you will definitely like as you will find it to be more than stiff enough. Ideal for hunting bows up to 70 pounds, you may need to cut these down to fit your individual hunting bow. Packed with everything you would envision in a modern-day hunting arrow, this is one carbon that you will need to add your own broadhead to (as you would with most hunting arrows). Also ideal for 3D archery, these are great for any related target.
Common Questions & Answers
1. Where are these arrows made?
You will like hearing that every Easton product is made right here in the United States, either in Indiana or Utah. Every product they make is designed and produced in the U.S.A.
2. Why are these arrows more popular?
These arrows are generally going to be considered so much more popular than others because they are not only designed with the shooter in mind, but they are also made with the perfect combination of materials.
Final Thoughts – The Right Easton Arrow for You
Trying to figure out the right arrow for your style of shooting and skill level that you actually like shooting can be something that is very overwhelming. However, when you take into consideration all of the amazing arrows that the Easton company has developed over the years, there is only one real choice in the matter. While yes, the one that is right for you will depend upon the type of shooting that you are doing, at the end of the day it is ultimately going to be your decision which style you like and works for you the most.
Knowing everything that you now know, you are much more equipped to choose the type that is ideal for you and your individual shooting style. So the overall best Easton arrows for the everyday shooter, no matter if you like doing target practice or hunting, is going to be the Full Metal Jackets. This is because they are a hybrid that provides everything you need in order to thrive with hunting and target shooting.