If you have been looking for a left handed compound bow, you more than already know that they are not as easy to come by as you may think. In fact, trying to find the best left handed compound bows can actually be a much harder task than you would have ever imagined. This is because only about 1 out of every 10 people who shoot bow and arrows are going to be left handed.
What this means is that if you are expecting to simply go into your local sporting goods store and pick one of these bows, you may have another thing coming. This is due in part to the fact that most people are searching and purchasing for right handed compound bows. With that begin said, it does not necessarily mean that the options available for left hand bows will be limited by any means.
Finding the perfect left handed compound bow may take a bit longer initially, but if you know what to look for you will have no problem finding the one that is right for you. Here is everything that you need to know about finding the right compound bow, including which one is going to be the best for you and your individual bow requirements.
What are the Major Differences with Left Handed Compound Bows?

You may not think about it, but there is actually a difference between bows for left handed and right handed shooters. If you are unaware of what to look for, there is a very good chance that you may even get the two different types confused with each other. But don’t worry, even if you do get the two types of bows mixed up, you will still be able to shoot them. Just be prepared for those who can tell the difference to get a good giggle in about it!
The first thing that you must understand about a left handed bow, is that it was not designed for your dominant hand, but rather for your dominant eye. It is for this reason that the main differences between a right and left handed bow will be more about the visual alignment.
When it comes to holding your bow, you should also know that every right-handed bow is going to be held in your left hand and drawn back with your right hand. This means the arrow that you are shooting and any bow sights will be on the left side of your bow. The opposite of this is also true. A left handed bow will be held with your right hand and be drawn back with your left, the arrow and any sights being on the right side of your bow.
Now that you know how to tell a left handed and right handed compound bow apart, here are some other signs that the compound bow you are looking at is a left handed one.
1. Look for the Arrow Stabilizer
The arrow stabilizer on your bow is what helps you to keep your arrow secured. If your bow's on the left hand side, you are looking at a bow for right handed shooters. When it is on the right hand side, you are looking at a bow for left handed shooters.
2. Which Side is the Arrow Resting On?
The arrow rest on your compound bow is where the end of the arrow you are shooting rests while your bow is drawn. Similar to the arrow stabilizers, when your arrow is resting on the left side of your bow, it is meant for right handed shooters. When your arrow rests on the right side of your bow, it is meant for left handed shooters.
3. Does the Bow Have Any Sights Attached?
See if you are able to locate any sights on your bow, such as the peep sight. These will often times be tiny pegs that protrude out from the front side of the bow and are used to help you with distance alignment. If they are on the left side of the bow, you have a right handed bow. When they are on the right side of the bow, you have a left handed bow.
The above-mentioned tips are the best ones that you can use in order to know if you are looking at a left or right handed compound bow. Now that you know the main differences in regard to a compound bow designed for left handed shooters, you may be wondering how to find the best left handed compound bow?
How to Choose the Best Left Handed Compound Bow

Whenever you are shopping around for any compound bow, there are several different characteristics that you will need to take into consideration. As was previously mentioned, you should never expect to find one of these at your local sporting goods store, and if you do, expect it to be in a very limited quantity. This just means that you must know exactly what it is that you are searching for in terms of the bow that you want.
Here is what you should be looking at when searching for the best left handed compound bow.
1. Draw Length
In order to find the perfect sized compound bow for your size, you must first know what your draw length is. Which in case you didn’t know, your draw length is the distance while you are at full draw (your arrow is pulled all the way back and ready to shoot).
To find your draw length, start by standing with your back flat against a wall and your arms stretched out as far as they can go on the wall. Measure the entire distance from the tip of one middle finger all the way to the tip of your other middle finger (essentially the length of your chest and both your arms and hands). Take this measurement and subtract 15 from it, taking this total and dividing it by 2. This number is going to be your draw length.
2. Cross Eye Dominance
This is much more important than you may think, as even if you consider your right hand to be dominant, you still may shoot better with your left hand and vice-versa. While much more common than you would think, all it means is that your dominant hand differs from your dominant eye. It doesn’t necessarily mean that one eye is stronger than the other one, but rather the dominant eye is simply the one that your brain assigned to use in certain instances, that including target practice.
If you find that you are left eye dominant, you may want to consider using a left handed bow. How do you know which eye is your dominant one, you ask?
- Put your arms straight out in front of you, leaving a little opening between your two hands.
- Find something that you are able to focus on and make sure it is between the opening you are making with your hands.
- Keeping your focus on the object you selected, slowly start moving your hands towards your face.
- Close one eye at a time, doing so slowly.
- Whichever eye stays in focus through your hand’s opening is the dominant one.
3. Draw Weight
While some see draw weight as a subjective measurement, it is still something that you should factor in when hunting for a bow. When you pull back your bow to shoot it, the amount of weight you are able to pull back is referred to as your draw weight. One’s draw weight will vary depending upon the archer and there isn’t really any type of easy way to have this measured.
As your experience shooting a bow increases, so will your draw weight. This happens as the muscles involved with shooting a bow get stronger. The benefit of having a higher draw weight is that you will be able to shoot your arrows farther. If you are planning on using a more modern compound bow, you will more than likely have an adjustable draw weight. This will only help you when it comes to selecting a bow if you are a beginner.
4. Versatility
If you are looking for a compound bow for your individual needs, the bow’s versatility is a very important factor. Versatility refers to the different styles of bows that specialize in the different types of archery. When it comes to finding the right bow for you, you must make sure that it fits with the style of archery you are planning on doing.
With the advances in compound bow technology, they are now very versatile. For example, even many of the more affordable bows come with an adjustable draw weight and draw length. You can even get your bow made out of different materials, meaning that it can be heavier or lighter depending upon your personal preference. Just remember that you want a compound bow that fits with the type of archery you are planning on using it for.
5. Speed
How fast your bow fires is also an important factor that you will need to take into consideration when searching for the perfect bow. The speed your compound bow fires an arrow is typically measured in FPS, or feet per second. Depending upon the style of archery you are planning on doing, a faster firing speed may not be as important.
The Top 5 Best Left Handed Compound Bows
Finding the perfect left handed compound bow can very easily become an overwhelming experience. It is for that reason that the 5 bows mentioned below are some of the more popular ones in their own right. Now you must not forget that the one that will work best for you will depend on your individual preferences.
1. Bear Archery Cruzer G2
With a draw weight between 5-70 lbs., a draw length of 12-30”, and a total weight of just 3 pounds, the Bear Archery Cruzer G2 is a great bow for beginners and the more experienced. On top of that, since the Bear Archery Cruzer G2 can be adjusted so widely in both draw weight and draw length, it makes the this the perfect bow for children and adults alike.
Some of this bow’s main features include:
Bear Archery did a great job when they designed this compound bow. From the high-quality features to the very reasonable price, this is simply a durable bow that is extremely versatile. The one complaint, however, is that arrows are not included with this bow.
2. Diamond Archery Infinite Edge Pro
Being one of the more affordable compound bows on this list, the Diamond Archery Infinite Edge Pro is a durable and extremely versatile bow that can be used by just about any shooter. With a draw length that is adjustable between 13-31”, and a draw weight that can be adjusted between 15-70 lbs., the Diamond Archery Infinite Edge Pro really is a bow that every user will love shooting.
Some of the main benefits of the Diamond Archery Infinite Edge Pro include:
Overall, the Diamond Archery Infinite Edge Pro is a great bow for the value. Ideal for the shooter who will be hunting, this bow includes all of the accessories that you need and is ready to go right out of the box. Essentially a complete bow package, all you need to add are some arrows and you will be good to go. Just be aware that there is a minor downside with the Infinite Edge Pro, that being you will need to tune it from time to time.
3. Southland Archery Supply Outrage Compound Bow
Designed with the more experienced shooter in mind, the Southland Archery Supply (SAS) Outrage Compound Bow will help you take your shooting to the next level. Extremely reliable and with an extremely quick release speed of 270 fps, this bow will provide you with an optimal shooting experience every single time.
A little heavier than some of the other bows on this list, this 4.4 lb. bow has a draw length that ranges between 24-30”, and a draw weight between 55-70lbs. With the SAS Outrage, you can expect:
If you consider yourself to be a more experienced archer, you will definitely want to take a look at this bow. Ideal more for the hunting side of archery, all you need are some arrows to create the perfect hunting bow package. But as was previously mentioned, if you are a beginner to archery, you may want to skip this bow and look for a compound bow designed for the more inexperienced shooters.
4. Diamond Archery Edge SB-1
Another great compound bow by Diamond Archery, the Edge SB-1 has a draw weight that goes up to 70 lbs., and a draw length that goes to 30”. Together, these draw weight and draw length give the Edge SB-1 all of the versatility that you could ever want in your bow, meaning that it is ideal for both the beginner bow user, all the way to the more experienced shooter.
Some of the pros of this bow are:
For a fairly affordable compound bow, you get many more features than you would think. From the easily adjustable draw weight and draw length, to the specially designed cam system, you should be able to get plenty of use of this from this bow. It is simply a great overall left handed bow that is very easy to adjust and use.
5. Bear Archery Approach
Another Bear Archery bow designed for those who shoot with their left hand, the Approach bow not only looks impressive, but is built to last as well. Although this bow is one the more affordable side, it can easily hold its own when compared to some of the more expensive compound bows available. With a speed of 327 fps, the unique cam system helps keep this bow as smooth as possible whenever you are shooting.
The adjustable draw weight can be varied between 55-70 lbs., while the draw length is between 23.5-30.5”. This does mean that the Bear Archery Approach bow is for the more experienced archers, it is a bow that is definitely worth the wait.
Designed for the moderate to advanced shooter, this is a bow that you will simply fall in love with. Since all of the accessories are included, you can pretty much expect for a complete bow package to arrive once your order this bow. Simply add arrows and you will be goo to go! The one downside is that since this bow is more advanced than many others, this bow is not necessarily going to be in everybody’s budget.
When you're looking for the best left handed compound bows available, it may seem as though it is a very challenging feat. But when you are equipped with the right knowledge and know what you are looking for, you will have no problems identifying the left handed bow that is right for your individual needs. Just know that the best bow you can get for shooting with your left hand is the Bear Archery Cruzer G2. Between all of the features and the smooth shooting, this is definitely one of the better compound bows for left hand shooters that you will find.